Herpes simplex type 1 treatment ,Herpes is the most contagious viral infection. Herpes is mainly caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). Generally there is no care for herpes virus but there is one way to prevent the herpes is that we should keep our immune system strong. If our immune system becomes weak then the virus will attack our body and we may suffer from herpes.
To strengthen and make our immune system strong many natural remedies are available that will prevent our body from the virus like herpes. These natural treatments will strengthen the immune system and also reduces the intensity of breakout. It will keep our immune system strong and thus it will reduce the risk of virus attack.
To keep our immune systems strong make a habit to take echinacea daily. The body with strong immune system is at no risk of attack of virus. This will help our body to keep herpes outbreaks at bay.

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    January 2014

